Educating and Empowering You for Lifelong Health
At Wisconsin Cardiology Associates, our goal is for you to experience the highest-quality care and services, emphasizing a proactive, comprehensive approach to both disease prevention and wellness promotion. We strive to offer excellence in complete, non-invasive cardiovascular care that is compassionate and truly individualized—in a welcoming environment.
That is why the core of what we do is in the office consultation. This is where we take the time to listen to you, hearing your concerns and answering your questions. We learn about what might be contributing to your situation, and educate you about your condition. By working with you, our goal is to create a plan to improve your health and empower you to sustain those improvements over the course of your life.
In-Office Testing
For the convenience of our patients, we offer numerous testing options, which can be performed at our office location.
An echocardiogram is a test that uses sound waves to take pictures of the heart from outside the body. The pictures are obtained by using ULTRASOUND, which is the same technology used in radar and sonar. It is a very useful test for comprehensively evaluating the heart.
PAD Screening
Because of cholesterol, inflammation and other risk factors, plaque can build up in the arteries of the body. It can also affect the arteries of the legs, and this is called Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD). The reduced blood flow to the legs can cause numbness or pain with walking. If left unchecked, it can ultimately lead to severe complications, including amputation. The ankle-brachial index (ABI) is a common test used to diagnose PAD. An ABI compares the blood pressure in the upper and lower limbs. If this test is abnormal, it may mean that you have peripheral artery disease (PAD) in the blood vessels in your legs.
Lab Testing
Blood tests provide clues about heart and vascular health. Many patients are familiar with common cholesterol tests, which can help determine the risk of having a heart attack. Some patients may benefit from a more detailed approach that involves advanced lab studies. In these cases, more personalized lab tests delve deeper into the causes of heart disease in a specific individual. In our office, we can conveniently test for markers of inflammation, genetic risk, and other high risk states.
Stress Testing
A Stress Test is a test that can identify patients with decreased blood flow to their hearts. It can also help us identify if the symptoms you are having are due to a heart problem. There are several different types of stress tests:
- Exercise Treadmill Test
- Treadmill Nuclear Stress Test
- “Lexiscan” Nuclear Stress Test
- Treadmill Echo Stress Test
Ultimately, these tests measure blood flow to your heart muscle both at rest and after activity. Through this comparison we are able to reveal areas in your heart with poor blood flow or damage.
A Nuclear Stress Test is a stress test that uses a small amount of radioactive material and a special camera to create pictures of the blood flow to your heart. These pictures are paired with either a traditional treadmill stress test or with a “chemical” stress test that simulates the effects of exercise. This test measures blood flow both at rest and after activity, and through this comparison reveals areas in your heart with poor blood flow or damage.
Exercise Treadmill Stress Test
Nuclear Stress Test
Treadmill Echo Stress Test
Cardiac Monitors
“Ambulatory” cardiac monitors are devices that can record the electrical activity in your heart over longer periods of time. These monitors are designed to be worn at home for time periods as short as one day, or as long as one month. Nowadays, they are about the size of a large bandaid and are now wireless. At WCA, we use these monitors to help diagnose patients reporting abnormalities in their heart beat, such as palpitations, or unexplained episodes of lightheadedness and dizziness. They’re an invaluable tool when it comes to diagnosing problems that happen unpredictably and outside of a medical setting.